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Olin Library: Art & Art History: Art Journals in Olin

Art Journals in Paper Form on the Shelves in Olin Library

Keep in mind that we also receive several journals in full-text online through JSTOR, Art Full Text and other full-text sources. Look for those databases on the "Find Images & Articles" page tab of this guide. To see if we have access to the online version of any journal, try using journal finder.

The journal titles listed here are followed by our approx. holdings on the shelves in Olin.

Abitare (1983-2014 - ceased publication )
American Craft (1980- )
American Journal of Archaeology (1897- )
Antiques (1927-2001, discontinued)
Aperture (1977- )
Apollo (1963-2014)
Art & Academe (1988-1998)

Art & Design (1985-92 in periodicals; main coll. by call #)
Art & Understanding (1991- )
Art Bulletin (1925- )
Art Criticism (1988- )
Art Education (1948- )
Art in America (1958- )
Art Journal (1960- )
Artforum (1967- )
Artibus Asiae (1925- )
ARTnews (1941-45, 1948- )
Arts & Activities (1958- )
Artweek (1980- )
British Journal of Aesthetics (1960- )
Ceramics Art and Perception (1996- )
Ceramics Monthly (1971- )
Communication Arts (1981- )
Critical Inquiry (1974- )
Daedalus (1960- )
Fiberarts (1977- )
Flash Art (1989- )
Gesta (1964-2001 scattered, 2002- )
History of Photography (1977- )
How (1985- )
Journal of Aesthetic Education (1968- )
Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism (1941- )
Landscape Architecture (1983- )
Log (2010-    )
Messages (1990- )
Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin (1925- )
Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art Calendar (1983- )

New Art Examiner (1987-2002, discontinued)
Oriental Art (1970-2005 - publication "delayed"...probably ceased)
Res: Anthropology & Aesthetics (1990/91, 1996, 1998, 2002, sporadic)

Saint Louis Art Museum Bulletin (1972- )
School Arts (1923-32, 1943-50, 1956- )
Sculpture (1988- )
Shuttle, Spindle & Dyepot (1974- )
Southern Accents (1985- )
Southwest Art (1983-1997)
Step-By-Step Graphics Magazine (1987-2001)
Studies in Art Education (1959- )
Studio Potter (1974-1996, discontinued)
Woman’s Art Journal (1980- )