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Olin Library: Art & Art History: eBook Lists

eBooks at Drury

Drury has thousands of eBooks listed in the catalog.  I've created a few lists using subject headings. Click on the down arrow on the "eBook Lists" tab above to see selective lists, or search the catalog directly.

How to search and access eBooks at Drury

Finding and using eBooks at Drury

  • Go to the library home page at
  • Click on the round circle: "Swan Catalog"
  • At the box that opens, change "view entire collection" to "Drury University", and check the box for "eBooks".  Add keywords, title or author to the top box and click submit.
  • The list of titles should all be eBooks.  To view one, click on the title.
  • In the center of the record you will see "Drury electronic book; click to connect"  Click on that.
  • If you are off-campus, you will then get an OCLC proxy login page.  Just use your MyDrury or Moodle login.
  • Most of our eBooks come from Ebsco, so an Ebsco page for the book will come up.  In the left-hand margin you will see a link to the full-text PDF.
  • If you want to download a book to use off-line for 7 days, you will need to make a free Ebsco account and have a reader on your computer or device.