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Olin Library: Sociology: E-Books in Olin


We have thousands of e-Books in the Olin Library catalog available to Drury faculty, students, and staff.  Search the library catalog, then in your list of results look for the book icon with the red "e".  Click on the title of the book to open the catalog record, then click on "Drury electronic book; click to connect" in the middle of the record.  Use your Drury login and password to login to the OCLC proxy page (as you would for MyDrury or Moodle).  Most of our e-Books come from EbscoHost, so a record for the book will come up in Ebsco, with a link to the full-text PDF in the left margin.

More intro

View some selective lists of E-books using the down arrow on the E-Books tab above.  These just present a sample and are not meant to be exhaustive.  Search the catalog for a full selection, or contact me if you'd like help searching.