Book catalogs typically provide for seaching by author name, the title of the book, the subject heading assigned to the book, or keyword.
The following catalogs are in order from the most local to global.
A note about Interlibrary Loan. If the book is in Drury, Swan or Mobius, you can request it yourself from within the catalog. From WorldCat, you can select ILL and request it as well. If the book must come from someplace besides a Mobius library or WorldCat, use the interlibrary loan form below. It is free, but you will have to pay for any overdue fines you incur.
The power of a Google Book Search is that because Google has indexed so many books word-for-word, you can discover if an author, movement, concept, or subject has been covered in a book. THEN you can see if you can borrow the book free through Mobius (1st choice) or WorldCat (2nd choice). So don't look at Google Book Search as an end in itself - but rather another tool for your quest.
B Philosophy (General)
1-52 Periodicals. Societies. Dictionaries.
53-68 Methodology. Relation to other topics.
69-99 General Works. Translations.
105 Special Topics
108-708 Ancient (600 BC - 430 AD)
720-765 Medieval (430 - 1450 AD)
770-785 Renaissance
790-5739 Modern (1450 AD - )
BC Logic
BD Speculative Philosophy
10-41 General Introductions to Philosophy
95-131 Metaphysics
143-236 Epistemology
240-255 Methodology
300-450 Ontology
493-701 Cosmology
BF Psychology (not covered in this guide)
BH Aesthetics
BJ Ethics
1-28 Periodicals. Societies. Collected Works.
37-69 Methodology. Relation to other topics.
71-977 History
991-1185 General Works. Treatises. Advanced textbooks.
1188-1295 Religious ethics
1298-1392 Evolutionary, Genetic, Monistic ethics.
1400-1500 Special topics
1518-1697 Individual ethics. Virtues and Vices.
1801-2195 Social ethics. Etiquette.